Loan repayment is a serious obligation. The Office of Student Financial Aid is here to answer your questions on paying back the loans used to fund your university education. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help managing your loan repayment plan. We’ve pulled together some key resources that should answer many of your questions. But we’re still here if you want to phone, email or come in to discuss your questions one-on-one.

If you have a federal Direct Loan (Stafford, Unsubsidized Stafford or Graduate Plus), check your account to determine which loan servicer is managing your loan repayment. Once you’ve identified your specific loan servicer, locate their contact information.

Federal Perkins loans, Health Profession and Nursing loans, and UW Institutional Loans are billed by the UW Loan Servicer Heartland ECSI. Contact information and online access to your ECSI account is available from their website.

For information about private student loans, click here.

Coronavirus and Forbearance Information for Students, Borrowers, and Parents.